WWPS Field Trip to the Bedrock Nursery

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May 1, 2021 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Wichita Wildlight Photographic Society

Join us for our first Field Trip of 2021. On Saturday, May 1st, we’ll meet at the Bedrock Nursery located at 1802 NW 67th Street at 9:00am.

We’ll be able to enjoy the many things this garden center offers as photographic opportunities. Look for trees, shrubs, flowers, water gardens, a waterfall and pool with lots of koi fish, yard art, and more.

This type of Field Trip may seem a bit odd – a garden center? I did this very type of Field Trip with my photography group in Wisconsin on two occasions. They were both well attended and some of the pictures shared were just amazing. People had the chance to try some things in their photography, like close-ups, macro and depth-of-field.

This Field Trip is also close to home for many of us and it’ll be a good introduction to the series of Field Trips I have planned for the group in 2021….and beyond.

The staff at Bedrock Nursery have asked for a few things of us though and please be respectful and abide by them. Here they are:

  • No pictures taken at this garden center are to be sold – for any reason.
  • No pictures of customers should be in your pictures. If you cannot avoid taking a picture with someone in it – use your post-processing skills to remove those people before sharing it with anyone.
  • Be respectful of customers – they are there to purchase items.
  • Pictures that include staff members are okay, but you should ask that staff member permission to include them in your photo.
  • Any pictures shared online should only be within the WWPS group. That includes our Facebook page, newsletter, and website.
  • If there are policies for COVID-19 in place at this business – please be respectful and follow them. If a sign is there to wear a mask – wear a mask!

Based on participation on this Field Trip and your thoughts and ideas for other locations – future Field Trips will be done.

As a final note – please thank the staff at Bedrock Nursery if you get the chance. And don’t be shy in purchasing anything there – they have some awesome products for your yard and house.