Next meeting- 13 February 2025,6:30 PM. Meetings and programs are free and open to the public without obligation. Meetings are held at the Old Carnegie Library Building at 5th and “B” street in Lawton. Enter through the “tunnel” on the Southeast corner of the building at ground level. The gate is locked, so call the phone number posted just inside the gate (580-248-5384). Someone will come out to let you in. Don’t be late, as we won’t open the gate after 6:35 pm. For more information, email:
For a photo of the building and entrance, click here.
1. PROGRAM: Understanding Your Digital Camera’s Features, Settings and Mysteries- Part 1″ by Clem Wehner
Have you been shooting so long with your cell phone that you’ve forgotten how to use all the capabilities of your DSLR camera? Need a refresher? Are you fairly new to photography and still don’t know what all those buttons, dials, menus, and features do?
This two-part class explains it all in an easy-to-understand way. This class will de-mystify all the terminology and help the camera user read and understand their instruction manual. It is also just right for the more experienced photographer who wants a review of all the capabilities of their camera. The class is a must for the photographer who has mostly only used the camera in the automatic mode and now wants to learn the incredible things that can be done with some knowledge of their camera.
Clem will also present many tips and techniques for great photography and for getting the most from a camera. The lesson includes explanation of topics like: using ISO settings; image quality and size settings; white balance; depth of field, artistic features like color density, tone, and sharpness; effectively using automatic and manual exposure modes; pre-programmed exposure settings; using aperture and shutter priority modes, pre-focus techniques; manual focus modes; focus points; metering modes such as spot, matrix, and center-weighted metering; and much, much more.
This class will turn the intimidating terminology of digital photography into familiar and usable knowledge. Like carpenters, photographers must know their tools to be skilled at their craft. This is the class that does it!
2. PHOTO SHOW AND TELL: If you would like to share a couple of your photos, just send them to: no later than two days before the meeting. Send your photos as .jpg if possible. Be sure the word SHOW is in the subject line, or we won’t see your email.
3. DUES: Membership dues are due in January. Just pay the Treasurer at the meeting. You will receive a new membership card. SUGGESTION: show up a little early to pay dues before the meeting starts. Avoid waiting in line.
Dues are: Individual-$10, family-$15, plus we ask that you volunteer at least 10 hours each year to help with our club events. Your volunteering earns funding for our club, and that’s how we are able to keep dues so low!
Note: You do not have to pay dues or have a membership card to attend regular monthly meetings. Everyone is welcome. Meetings are free and open to the public without cost or obligation.
However, many great benefits are available to those who pay dues. Membership cards will be issued to dues-paid members and are required to: borrow library items or equipment, attend free special workshops, attend free field trips, display in the WWPS tent at the AFA Festival, use our matting/framing room and free supplies, etc.