President’s Message
WWPS is the photography club of Lawton, Oklahoma. We welcome anyone with an interest in photography of any kind and of any skill level.
We have several overall objectives for WWPS:
- To have fun with photography and our organization.
- To learn more about photography and share our knowledge with each other.
- To inspire each other.
- To support the arts and our community.
Our meetings are open to the public without cost or obligation. You don’t need to pay dues, or have a membership card to attend our regular monthly meetings. If you have an interest in photography, you are welcome to attend. No reservation is required. Just show up.
Most meetings will have a guest speaker on one of a variety of subjects about of photography. For example, we’ve had lessons on lenses, exposure, light meters, depth of field, histograms, digital painting, posing, lighting, portraits, landscapes, sports, and children, astrophotography, wildlife, automobiles, re-enactments, crime photography, and much, much more.
At the meetings, we also have a “Show and Tell” in which you can bring photos you took, display it for other members to see, and tell us a little about the image. We’d like to know such things as where and why you took it, perhaps your camera settings, or anything unusual or interesting about the photo. Bring a print or digital image of any size to the meeting for display. The image that member’s choose as their favorite will receive a very nice “people’s choice” ribbon. If you’d like, the photo may then be placed on the website and Facebook page for all to see and admire. Our meetings are enlightening, we learn something, and we have fun.
We have a great website and Facebook page with lots of information you need to know. These have a lot of helpful information to help you learn more about photography.
It is important for you to check the website often. If something important happens, like a meeting cancellation due to weather, we’ll post it on the front page of the website. Everything you want to know about WWPS should be on the website. Check the website FAQ section and you’ll probably find the answer to almost any questions you might have. Remember, it’s your responsibility to check the site often to stay up to date.
Some people want all the advantages of membership, such as using our library, checking out photography equipment, attending special seminars free, and much more. Our members have some exceptional benefits that most organizations only dream about. First, we rent a great place to meet without cost to you. We have a permanent work room and a lot of equipment that members can use free. (See the equipment checkout page for a complete list of equipment). We also get some great guest speakers for our meetings without cost to the members, and we can attend meetings without charge. This is not the case in most organizations. We have an exceptional library of up-to-date books and DVDs that you may check out for one month at a time. Also, we get a booth at the Annual Arts for All festival where you can display and sell your photographs, again without the cost that the other vendors have to pay. And the best part is that our annual dues are only $10. Do the math and you’ll quickly see that $10 each isn’t even a measurable fraction of what it costs to provide the benefits you enjoy. As a member group of Lawton Arts For All, the organization which raises funds to support all the art groups in Lawton, we get our annual funding in proportion to how much volunteer work our members do to help with fund-raising events. The more we do, the more funding we get to pay for the things the club offers you. If you enjoy the benefits of WWPS, then raise your hand to volunteer when we need your help. Since we only ask for $10 a year in dues, we consider your volunteering as the rest of your dues since it raises money to support the activities you enjoy. Besides, we have a great group of people and always have a lot of fun working together at these events.
The Officers and Key members are dedicated and excited to make WWPS even better. We’ll have a lot of fun, we’ll learn and lot and share a lot, and we’ll all become even better friends than we were before.