Public Speakers
WWPS has members available at no charge to speak to civic groups, schools, clubs, etc. This activity is part of our public outreach program, inherent to being a member group of Lawton Arts for All. Our speakers can bring a laptop computer, digital projector, and screen, if necessary.
To request a speaker please send an email to: or contact one of the WWPS officers that are listed on our Officers & Key Members page.
Programs Available:
Tips for Taking Great Photographs
30 minutes.
Tips and techniques for improving your photographs with more than 85 photographic examples. Handout of speaker’s notes included. A perfect program for the average person who just likes to take pictures, even with little cameras.
A Photographic Tour of Alaska
30 minutes.
Images of the stunning beauty of Alaska arranged by location to give a virtual tour of both inland and coastal Alaska.
Eastern Canada and the Maritime Provinces
30 minutes.
Beautiful and interesting images of Eastern Canada including Montreal, Quebec City, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia. A photographic tour of the landscape, architecture, and interesting features of this beautiful country.
Developing a Photographer’s Eye–Learning to See
30 minutes.
How to develop your ability to envision great images, the skill that sets really good photographers apart from the rest. A program with almost 200 exceptional photographs showing you what to look for when shooting. This program is a real treat for the eye–perfect for a luncheon, a meeting, or any gathering.
Photography Fundamentals
Various topics are available such as “All About Lenses” (15 min), “Understanding Histograms” (15 min), “Depth of Field” (15 min), ” Steps to Perfect Lighting” (15 min), “Essential Elements of Great Photography” (30 min), “Business of Photography” (45 min), “Understanding Digital Cameras” (1 hr), “Digital Camera Settings” (45 min), and “Choosing a Digital Camera” (45 min).
Wonders of the Night Sky
45 minutes.
An awe inspiring photographic tour of the Universe with more than 50 stunning images, taken by space-borne telescopes like the Hubble telescope, that rival the most beautiful art ever created by man. The speaker explains in simple terms the mysterious objects above us such as planets, moons, asteroids, comets, stars, black holes, galaxies, and nebulae. You will gain an understanding of our place in the universe and share the awe that comes from viewing the night sky.