Equipment Checkout
Current (dues-paid) members may check out equipment to use for a maximum of 10 days at a time. Checking out for a shorter time allows for more people to have access to the equipment.
Equipment available includes: two complete studio light kits (Alien Bee and Novatron), various light stands, umbrellas; a light meter; camera tripods; several mono-pods; a roll-around camera stand; background stands; several backgrounds; Canon and Nikon external Flash units; on-camera flash diffusers; 18×18, 12X48, 24,X48 inch softboxes; ring flash; umbrellas; a digital camera sensor cleaner; and a table-top light tent kit for small item photography, Nikon and Canon DSLR cameras, and more.
To check out equipment please contact a WWPS officer.
Note: Equipment must be returned on time so others may use it. Equipment returned late will result in the borrower being placed on a waiting list for 60 days before anything else may be checked out.
Officers will verify the borrowers membership card is current and there is no reservation for the equipment, and will fill out the sign out sheet in the WWPS room at the church. This will ensure we know where our equipment is. Borrowers will receive a “due date” card showing the date equipment must be returned to avoid penalty.
Note: A reservation is only a request, in an attempt to coordinate the use of equipment. It does NOT guarantee that the equipment will be available when you need it. If other people don’t bring it back on time, it won’t be here.
USE POLICY: WWPS is a not-for-profit organization because of the “educational” nature of our organization. We encourage WWPS members to use the equipment to learn and improve their skills, but not to run a business. When the frequency or length of use gives the impression that the equipment is being used primarily to make money for the user, then our status as a non-profit could be questioned. To avoid that we have to be careful of appearances of impropriety and limit repeated use use of the same equipment by any one person to OCCASIONAL USE ONLY.